Saturday, March 5, 2011

Crazy Saturday!

Today was a umm...interesting day!
Because St. Patrick's Day usually occurs when our school is on spring break, UMASS has developed a tradition of opening the bars uptown at 9am, and yes thousands of students attend! You have to be 21 though, which does keep the crowds somewhat down.

Now, I am really not a big drinker. I think a lot of it stems from wanting to "save" my calories for food, rather than wasting it on alcohol, but usually don't like the way it makes me feel, act, and so on. However, I thrive on routine and order, yet challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone as often as I can, and I took this day to do just that!

Breakfast Item: Cinnamon rolls with green icing, nom?!
At 9 am this morning, I went to a friends house meet up, have St. Patty's day related food
first then head to the bars uptown. I could not bring myself to start drinking until at least 11 am, 9 is just too darn early! Once we arrived in town via bus, it turned out to be a great time! It was nice spending time with people I do not normally hang out with, and to be part of a social event that is oh-so-college :p

Although I do have a few close friends, I much too often prefer spending time on my own. It is comfortable when I can do my own thing, but still know the importance of keeping friendships. I am sick of being the fact that I prefer to spend the majority of my time alone, and hope this changes as I bust of my comfort zone more often!
Did anyone else do anything of interest today? Please share!


  1. Hi Tessa and welcome to the blog world! Thanks for emailing me as i'll be getting back to you asap!

    but most of all, great job getting outside your comfort zone! it's something i work on all the time as i know it helps readily with recovery! glad you had fun with your friends!

  2. Thanks Melissa! I hope you have had a nice weekend as well :)
